light in the darkness

“Don’t curse the darkness – light a candle.” — Chinese Proverb
(we all have light to lend & light sources to draw from, find what ignites you)
“There is not enough darkness in all the world to put out the light
of even one small candle.” — Robert Alden
“We all walk in the dark and each of us must learn to turn on
his or her own light.” — Earl Nightingale
“We cannot hold a torch to light another’s path without
brightening our own.” — Ben Sweetland

The Dying Candle

The Dying Candle -- also a blog post

“Our task is not merely one of itemizing Republican failures. Nor is that wholly necessary. For the families forced from the farm do not need to tell us of their plight. The unemployed miners and textile workers know that the decision is before them in November. The old people without medical care, the families without a decent home, the parents of children without a decent school: They all know that it’s time for a change.

We are not here to curse the darkness; we are here to light a candle. As Winston Churchill said on taking office some twenty years ago: If we open a quarrel between the present and the past, we shall be in danger of losing the future.

Today our concern must be with that future. For the world is changing. The old era is ending. The old ways will not do.”

~John F. Kennedy in his DNC Acceptance Address, 1960

~=~=-=~=-=-=~=related reads=~=-=-=~=-=~=~
Light a Candle
Drawing the Light from Within: Keys to Awaken Your Creative Power
Tales of a Broken Man: When Darkness Falls, the Light Must Come from Within
~=~=-=~=-=-=~=sales support the site=~=-=-=~=-=~=~

“Let nothing dim the light that shines from within.”
— Maya Angelou —

I let my self fall into the dark abysses of my mind too often. I allow life’s “bumps in the road” mask the light that lies within me. A failure, as small and insignificant as it is, would throw me in the darkness. I admit it. So would a vicious critical comment, an unintentional remark or an harmless joke (it isn’t harmless, isn’t it?!).

Finding the light again isn’t easy. Believing in myself, in my abilities and capabilities — are mostly not natural and automatic. vice-versa.

However, I do have a glorious spot inside me. A spot filled with light and belief. A place full of love and acceptance. A place in which my accomplishments are not long forgotten, but very much alive. This is a place I seek in times of darkness.

For this week’s inspiration prompt I invite you to call upon your illuminant magnificence. Find your inner light together with me. It doesn’t come easy for me. Sometimes I keep going for days and cannot find it. So promise me you’d keep on looking, even in times like these.

~Avital, “Inspiration Prompt – Find Your Inner Light

The greatest revolution of our generation is the discovery that human beings, by changing the inner attitudes of their minds, can change the outer aspects of their lives. - William James

A Chinese proverb — ‘Don’t curse the darkness – light a candle.’ — was used by Adlai Stevenson (1900-65), praising Eleanor Roosevelt in an address to the United Nations General Assembly in 1962: “She would rather light candles than curse the darkness, and her glow has warmed the world.”

I just loved looking one of my favorite sayings up in preparation for this blog and discovering that one of my all time heroines, Eleanor Roosevelt had been described this way. We all have our frustrations. Many of us who deal with people every day sometimes joke about hating people or put down the noobs who annoy us. Sometimes we have to put up with some pretty annoying stupidity, find ways to not let it get to us or take breaks from dealing with it. It helps to remind ourselves that we are all sometimes stupid noobs in some aspect of our lives. But it is also true that we all know people who spend way too much time cursing the darkness, hating people and then whining about how unhappy they are with life. I really believe that if each of us is not part of the solution, we are part of the problem.

~Josi in “It’s better to light a candle than curse the darkness

“You can’t have a light
without a dark to stick it in.”
— Arlo Guthrie —

Triple ta, Dorian aka coffeesister |_|)
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PS: Getting these via e-mail yet?! Request it here!? Rest assured your address won’t be used for anything else & there’s only one e-mail each day so try it out.

~ by Dorian Dorey ☕️ on 29 January 2009.

3 Responses to “light in the darkness”

  1. […] me on Twitter Dorian’s Demitasselight in the darkness“Don’t curse the darkness – light a candle.” — Chinese Proverb (we all have light to lend […]

  2. I love the quote “you can’t have a light without a dark to stick in it” that’s deep.

  3. […] me on Twitter Dorian’s Demitasselight in the darkness“Don’t curse the darkness – light a candle.” — Chinese Proverb (we all have light to lend […]

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