never give up on yourself

“Anything’s possible if you’ve got enough nerve.” — J.K. Rowling
(by pursuing our dreams, we discover our purpose..
never give up on yourself)
[original quote:]
“The thing about growing up with Fred and George,” said Ginny thoughtfully, “is that you sort of start thinking anything’s possible
if you’ve got enough nerve.”
— J.K. as Ginny Weasley
“Laugh at yourself, but don’t ever aim your doubt at yourself. Be bold. When you embark for strange places, don’t leave any of yourself safely on shore. Have the nerve to go into unexplored territory.” — Alan Alda

anything is possible

“The question for each man to settle is not what he would do if he had means, time, influence and educational advantages; the question is what he will do with the things he has. The moment a man ceases to dream or to bemoan his lack of opportunities and resolutely looks his conditions in the face, and resolves to change them, he lays the corner-stone
of a solid and honorable success.”
— Hamilton Wright Mabie —

~=~=-=~=-=-=~=related reading=~=-=-=~=-=~=~
Got a Dream? Never Give Up!
Pursue Your Dreams: Come What May
The Life Uncommon: How to Leave the Rat Race,
Pursue Your Passions, and Succeed Financially

~=~=-=~=-=-=~=sales support the site=~=-=-=~=-=~=~

Believing in yourself and your dreams is so much harder than giving up. Giving up is easy. You just stop, and list all the examples you’ve collected of your failures and mistakes and say “That’s it. I just can’t do, so stop expecting me to succeed.”

But dreams and goals are what give us purpose and direction. I dream of being an inspiration to others, of motivating people to put more pleasure and fun into their life and to help them relax and find peace in themselves. Even if I never fulfill my dream, my writing and sharing with others helps me stay focused on these positive qualities. It helps me be a better person because I feel responsible to others.

Here are my tips to keep you believing in yourself:

• Pray, meditate and reconnect with your spiritual side.
• Chart your progress. Use a daily gratitude journal..
• Review your goals weekly.
• Read inspirational stories.
• Focus on the positive.

Above all don’t give up on yourself. You are a wonderful, complex, fascinating creation of the universe. The future lies open before you and it is up to you to make the best of it. Allow yourself to ponder the possibility of the limitless joys and exciting adventures that may yet await you. Believe it will happen, and then work to make it so.

~Shirley Jones in “Don’t Stop Believing In Yourself.
[click thru for more, including details on the tips]


“If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put the foundations under them.”
— Henry David Thoreau —

The people that accomplish their dreams realize the obstacles between them are not physical limitations, but psychic ones. They’ve overcome the social conditioning that’s told them their dreams are impossible or frivolous. They’ve discovered their true purpose and their passion. And they’ve found a place to keep their dreams safe, while they strive toward making them a reality.

Doing all of these things has enabled them to develop the auto response of determination to make their dreams happen. It’s not easy striving day after day to make your dreams happen when the final realization seems so far away. But even when you reach the manifestation you set out to accomplish, you realize something:

The life of your dreams that you set out for was only a shadow of a possibility.

What you thought was a 10, was really a 7. But it doesn’t really matter because realizing your dreams is not a linear process. It’s not necessarily the full accomplishment of your dreams that’s most important, but the constant movement in the direction of your heart.

When you see this, you’ll find that living your dreams is not so much a destination to be reached, but a consistent motion in that direction. You might have to move from working at a job you hate, to one you kind of like, before you find one that you love. And that’s okay, because you’re moving in the direction of liberation. It’s when you settle for less than you know possible that your dreams die.

~Jonathan Mead in “How to Live Your Dreams

“Start by doing what’s necessary,
then do what’s possible,
and suddenly you are doing the impossible.”
— St. Francis of Assisi —

Triple ta, Dorian aka coffeesister |_|)
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~ by Dorian Dorey ☕️ on 8 December 2008.

One Response to “never give up on yourself”

  1. My My this site is food to my soul I really do really really do need positivity along with other postive renforcments that I have in my life. God Speed on this site.

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