it’s not too late to start

“It’s never too late to be
what you might have been.” — George Eliot
(learn from the past & plan for the future
but start creating a life NOW)
“What work I have done I have done because it has been play. If it had been work I shouldn’t have done it. Who was it who said, “Blessed is the man who has found his work”? Whoever it was he had the right idea in his mind. Mark you, he says his work — not somebody else’s work. The work that is really a man’s own work is play and not work at all. Cursed is the man who has found some other man’s work and cannot lose it. When we talk about the great workers of the world we really mean the great players of the world. The fellows who groan and sweat under the weary load of toil that they bear never can hope to do anything great. How can they when their souls are in a ferment of revolt against the employment of their hands and brains? The product of slavery, intellectual or physical, can never be great.”
— Mark Twain —

go confidently in the direction of your dreams & live the life you've imagined

[C]hange for me came when I realized that I am the only person with direct control over my life. I make my own choices. Even when it seems like I have no control, I’ve really decided to let others have control over me and make my decisions for me. Once I accepted responsibility for my life and started making decisions based on my values, my life changed dramatically.

I can remember several times over the past 20 years when I’ve longed for a life like I’m living today. We really do create our own reality; we just have to believe that we can. For me, it was a matter of finally deciding to take responsibility for my own life, stop waiting for someone else to do things for me, and to take charge of my life in every way. We waste time wishing and hoping for our circumstances to change; our actions must follow what we say we desire or our desires will not manifest.

~Debra Moorhead in “Wake up and Create the Life You Want

~=~=-=~=-=-=~=related reading=~=-=-=~=-=~=~
Never Too Late
Never Too Late: A Memoir
It’s Only Too Late If You Don’t Start Now:
How to Create Your Second Life at Any Age

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Some people my age (62) believe it is too late to follow their dream. You don’t have to be 62 to believe it is too late. In fact, I was only 26 when I felt that way. You see, a friend asked me to join him in going to university. “But I’m too old,” I said, “Everyone GRADUATES when they’re 22; I’m already 26 and haven’t even started.”

“However,” he said, “In four years, you will be four years older whether you go to the university or not. Which would you rather be, four years older with a degree, or four years older without one?” Those words changed my life. I suddenly realized you’re never too old to follow your dream. So, I started school. After cramming four years of study into three, I got my degree, then decided to continue and went on to graduate school. See, it’s never too late. Unless you don’t start.

Is it really true that you’re never too old to start a new career or make a dramatic change in your life? What if you’re 72, or 82? Isn’t that too old to learn a new language? Not so. Two thousand years ago, the Roman Statesman, Cato, learned Greek at age 80.

Can you be creative in old age? How about Goethe? His greatest Work, Faust, wasn’t completed until he was 80. And Michelangelo was 71 when he painted the Sistine Chapel.

More examples? Luigi Cornaro, a Venetian scholar, started writing on geriatrics at the age of 83. His classic treatise, The Joys of Old Age, was written in 1562, when he was 95. In modern times, the great philosopher, mathematician, and pacifist, Bertrand Russell, participated and was arrested in an antinuclear demonstration when he was 89.

We mustn’t forget about Grandma Moses, who started painting at 80. Did you know twenty-five percent of her more than 1,500 paintings were done after she was one hundred?

~Chuck Gallozzi in “Never Too Late

There is no chance, no destiny, no fate, that can circumvent or hinder or control the firm resolve of a determined soul. - Ella Wilcox

It’s never too late to jump back in the game of life.

A quote that I have on a wall in my bedroom reads: “It’s never too late to be what you might have been.” — George Eliot

I love this quote because it reminds me that the possibilities for my life are endless. It reminds me to hang on to my dreams and not become discouraged because some might consider me too old — too foolish or, because I’ve made mistakes and bad decisions in the past.

“It’s never too late to be what you might have been.”

Wow! I’m reminded of times when I didn’t trust my own intuition. — Of times when I stopped short because I was afraid of what others might think. — Of times I gave up because I did not understand my own power.

I’m stronger now. I’m wiser now. I now know that it is never too late to jump back in the game of life. I can dream again — dream big and accomplish big and wonderful stuff. I now know that ‘it ain’t over ’til I say so’.

~Wambui Bahati, “It’s Never Too Late

“Too many people are thinking of security instead of opportunity.
They seem to be more afraid of life than death.”
— James F. Byrnes —

Triple ta, Dorian aka coffeesister |_|)
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~ by Dorian Dorey ☕️ on 15 December 2008.

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